Monday, September 22, 2008

Newsletter (FINALLY!) and a VIDEO!

OK finally here is my newsletter :-) I will be sending these out quarterly. If you didn't receive my last one through email, but you want to, just send your email address to me. I sent this one out maybe 3 weeks ago but couldn't get it working until now :-)........

So you can download from my family's blog here

AND...if anyone wants to check out mine and Num's vision for Isaan, along with some songs that Num has written and a few of our clips from Isaan, check out this video!


Continued "Crazy Taxi Rides"...and the last 24 hrs

Well...after my blog last night Num and I went in another taxi today...and we crashed!! It was nothing big, luckily! But there ya go...

I'm putting on some pics from the last 24 hrs here in Bangkok. Yesterday we went to Soy Bearing for an hour and today we got some free haircuts from Num's aunt! So...the pics...

Rin and I at Soy Bearing...I missed her, haven't seen her in ages!

And what d'ya know...I CAN cook!! (see below) Cooking breakfast...

MMM yummmm FISH ^^^
And Num blow drying my's a good look, Num!

Num's aunt cutting my hair ^^...and his hair...

AND...the FINISHED products!!!!!!!!!........

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Crazy Taxi Rides

You are lucky I am writing this blog and not in hospital from a taxi accident! Hahaha...just kidding. But I am NOT exaggerating. Seriously.

Last night Num, Matt, and I (along with Matt's friends Joanne and Tim) went to church, and we were going to be late, but the taxi driver must've sensed it and drove 130km/h down the freeway swerving in and out of the other cars (who were going about 100km/h)...and he drove 80-100km/h through the streets! Seriously, I was so scared I was praying. And I wasn't the only one praying! I counted about 5 times where we were extremely lucky NOT to crash - including times where we went out off the road (out of the lanes) and sped past 80km/h drivers ON THEIR LEFT at exits which they could've easily turned into!! YES...anyway. Might I mention that there are no seatbelts in these taxis...and I was one of the two people squashed into the front passenger seat!

BUT...We DID make it to church safely. And on time, when we were gonna be 20mins late!

But on the way home (must be my luck!) Num and I managed to get another crazy taxi which pulled out in front of a TRUCK...and I really held my breath this time as I heard the truck blow it's horn and stop not even 30cms away from where I was sitting in the taxi!! Oh my don't wanna know how many times we almost crashed last night!

Anyway, there's my story of (not one but TWO) crazy taxi rides - who needs the playstation game "Crazy Taxi" when you live in Thailand?!...hahaha!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Swimming!!! And...a day in the life of me.

At the moment I am in Bangkok spending some time with my family and studying Thai (at home, using my parent's module books). The other day my mum had a day off language school - and so us who were home (me, my parents, and Num) decided to go to the pool and hang out together.

In Thailand the pools are so nice and cheap at the same time. So it was nice to go and hang out with the folks while my parents and Num got to know eachother more!

Here is a pic Num and I took yesterday (in a break from me studying Thai and him studying English).......

So an average day in the life of ME at the 1. learning thai. 2. keeping up with you guys :) and 3. helping where I can, when I can. I am hoping to go with my parents this afternoon to a slum they teach at every Wednesday...they teach kids English at this slum.

Ok that's all for now...more coming later!

Peace out :-)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Newsletter....kind of....

Since creating this blog I've been in the process of trying to get my newsletter on here for you all to download, but so far I haven't been successful!

So when I can, my newsletter for this month will be up. Hopefully it won't be too much longer!

New blog :-)

Hey guys!
Welcome to my new
Watch here for details!! I will post here instead of
God bless :-)